Daredevil #30 Review

Matt Murdock is a happy man. We see him finally get to have a little fun in this issue after going through quite a bit of drama. And oh boy am I jealous of the

The Pull – 8-21-13

Here is my pull for this week (I’ll end up getting more when I get in the store as I always do): Superman Unchained #3 Chin Music #2 Avengers #18 Daredevil #30 Superior Spider-Man #16

Comic Reviews – 8-14-13

This was a bigger week for me than I anticipated. There were quite a few titles that I missed when making my pull list in addition to there being a few comics that I missed

Uncanny X-Men #10 Review

Bendis’s run of Uncanny X-Men has been consistently good.  Until this issue. I’ll just get this out of the way now because it is the most obvious thing: the art in this book is bad.

Batman #23 Review

After Court of Owls and Death of the Family, the New 52 Batman has solidified itself as a must read. With such great story lines behind them, both Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo seem like

The Walking Dead – 113 Review

“All Out War” is just beyond the horizon. Announced earlier this year, that storyline plans to ramp things up to two issues a month for 12 issues starting with issue 115. That left The Walking

The Pull – 8-14-13

Here is my pull for this week: Batman #23 Lost Vegas #4 Walking Dead #113 Infinity #1 Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #2 Uncanny X-Men #10 I am always excited for a new Walking Dead, even if

Comic Reviews 8-7-13

Here is a rundown of my comic reviews this week: Movement #4 – 5.0 Swampthing #23 –  7.9 Satellite Sam #2 – 9.5  Avengers A.I. #2 – 6.3 Superior Carnage #2 – 5.9 Superior Foes

Superior Spider-Man #15 Review

Superior Spider-Man #15 is a fun read.  The same can be said for the entire series so far.  From the art to the writing, this is one of the top books that Marvel is putting