Secret Wars! – The Pull – 7-1-15

Here is my pull for this week: Arcadia #3 I actually missed out on issue #2 last month. Unfortunately I skipped right over it when looking over my pull list. Oh well. I guess I’ll

Trees – The Pull – 6-17-15

Warren Ellis and Jason Howard are knocking it out of the park with Trees, a comic book published by Image with an astounding premise: “Ten years after they landed. All over the world. And they

Star Wars All The Way -The Pull – 6-3-15

We are officially halfway through the year and that means we are that much closer to Star Wars Episode VII hitting the theaters. And there is nothing better to fulfill that Star Wars urge than by

Livin’s Easy – The Pull – 5-27-15

Ahh…summertime is hear, and of course, the living is easy. I just got myself a hammock for my back yard, my pool just opened, and I am ready to live the good summer life. And

Secret Wars – The Pull – 5-20-15

We are getting really close to the year’s halfway point. Flowers have blossomed, grass is green, and pools are a weekend away from opening. Life is good now. And to make things better, we are

Arcadia – The Pull – 5-13-15

I kind of feel bad for Dark Horse. I mean, their most profitable comic, Star Wars, was brought back to Marvel after Disney Purchased the franchise. While we are currently enjoying a few awesome new Star

Age of Ultron – The Pull – 5-6-15

Warning! Minor Age of Ultron Spoilers below. Last week the US saw the release of Age of Ultron. I thought the movie was great and can’t wait to watch it again. Here are my initial

Daredevil – The Pull – 4-28-15

Warning, minor Daredevil TV Show SPOILERS below. As I mentioned earlier, we are in no shortage of comic book entertainment on both the small and big screens. Daredevil, just released less than two weeks ago,