Mighty Avengers #1 Review
What an odd comic this is. Mighty Avengers is a new spinoff as a result of the current Infinity storyline going on across the Avengers books. What we see here is…quite strange? The Avengers have
What an odd comic this is. Mighty Avengers is a new spinoff as a result of the current Infinity storyline going on across the Avengers books. What we see here is…quite strange? The Avengers have
With a big event for this comic on the horizon, Robert Kirkman isn’t shying away from the action. After attempting to off Negan at a moment’s notice, Rick found himself and his group outnumbered and
Here is my pull list for this week: Robocop Last Stand #2 Star Wars #9 Batman 23.2 Walking Dead #114 Avengers #19 Mighty Avengers #1 X-Men #5 Things are a little less hectic this week,
Big week, huh? Here are my reviews: The Star Wars #1 – 7.9 Batman 23.1 – 7.9 Trillium #2 – 9.4 Satellite Sam #3 – 8.4 Avengers A.I. #3 – 8.2 Infinity #2 – 8.2
All right, all right. They got to that. Just like I am loving the series so far, I loved issue #2. My only qualm with it was the fact that Fred Myer’s internal dialogue last
Ryan Stegman returns to Superior Spider-Man! And with Spider-Man 2099 to boot! With Humberto Ramos taking a much needed break, we see the return of the artist who began the Superior series. I am an
Ok. This issue of Trillium is amazing, just like the first. Jeff Lemire is an amazing artist and an amazing writer. His way of storytelling in this book is spectacular. Is that enough praise for
I haven’t been coy about the fact that I love this series. Of all the comic books that I am currently reading, this is the most mature and grounded one of them all. Reading this
Another week, another pull: The Star Wars #1 Batman 23.1 DC Universe vs. The Masters of the Universe #1 Trillium #2 Satellite Sam #3 Avengers A.I. #3 Infinity #2 Superior Foes of Spider-Man #3 Superior
Here are my reviews for this week: Batman Superman #3 – 5.9 Injustice Gods Among Us #8 – 9.4 Larfleeze #3 – 8.0 Lazarus #3 – 8.9 Thanos Rising #5 – 8.9 Uncanny X-Men #11